1. THE BAPTISM IN THE JORDAN– Meditation: Jesus enters the water of the Jordan and is baptized by John the Baptist. The voice of the Father declares Him the beloved Son, as the Holy Spirit descends upon Him for the mission of redeeming all humanity.
Matthew 3:17 “This is my beloved Son”.
2. THE WEDDING FEAST AT CANA– Meditation: Through the intervention of Mary, Jesus changes water into wine, opening the hearts and minds of the disciples to believe.
John 2:1-12 “Go, do whatever He tells you.”
3. THE PROCLAMATION OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD- Meditation: Jesus proclaims the coming of the Kingdom of God, as He calls for repentance and forgiveness of sins of all who draw near Him in humble trust.
1:15 “The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent.”
4. THE TRANSFIGURATION- Meditation: Gathered on Mount Tabor, the Apostles witness the face of God shining forth from the face of Jesus. The voice of the Father, commands them to listen to His Son so as to enjoy a life transfigured by the Holy Spirit.
Luke 9:35 “This is my chosen Son. Listen to Him.”
5. THE TRANSUBSTANTIATION of the Bread and Wine- Meditation: Jesus demonstrates everlasting love for us by sharing the Sacrament of the Eucharist by offering His body and blood under the signs of bread and wine.
John 13:1 “Take and eat; this is my body.”