1. THE RESURRECTION– Meditation: Jesus, rose on the third, showing us the triumph over death of the body and the promise of everlasting life.
Mark 16:6 “He has been raised up. He is not here.”
2. THE ASCENSION– Meditation: Forty days after His resurrection, Jesus in the sight of His Most Holy Mother and the Apostles ascends into Heaven.
Mark 16:19 “The Lord Jesus was taken up into Heaven..”
3. THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT- Meditation: Our Lord Jesus Christ, seated at the right hand of God the Father, sends the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, who are waiting for His promise He made to them to be fulfilled. And so it now is fulfilled.
Acts 2:3-4 “There appeared to them parted tongues of fire, which settled upon each of them. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit”
4. THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY INTO HEAVEN– Meditation: For a long time Mary remains on earth after the Ascension of her Son. Her body and soul are now assumed into Heaven accompanied by the Holy Angels.
Roman Missal “This day the Virgin Mother of God was taken up to Heaven. The Angels rejoice and praise the Lord.”
5. THE CORONATION- Meditation: The Holy Mother of Jesus is crowned by Her son Jesus as the Queen of Heaven. To the great exultation of the entire Celestial Court of Heaven and all the Saints, Legions of Angels, and Arch-Angels the Queen of Heaven embraces Her new title with humility and love for all.
Roman Missal “Behold you are raised above the choir of Angels! Intercede for us with the Lord, our God.”