Saint Joseph Intercessor Of Aborted Children
It seems that the greatness of St. Joseph has remained hidden from most of the world, even though Pope Pius IX declared St. Joseph the Patron of the Universal Church in 1870. The prophecy states that in the end times, St. Joseph will be recognized and loved greatly by all. It has also been prophesied that before Satan is defeated St. Joseph will be elevated from his obscurity to his rightful place of honor.
Saint Joseph was the only Saint to appear at Fatima in 1917. At that time Saint Joseph appeared while holding the child Jesus in his arms and blessing three times the pilgrims gathered there.
Isadore of Isolanis, a pious Dominican of the 16th century, prophesied that the “sound of victory will be heard in the Church when the faithful recognize the sanctity of Saint Joseph. The Lord will let His light shine. He will lift the veil, and great men [and women] will search out the interior gifts of God that are hidden in Saint Joseph. They will find in him a priceless treasure.”
Let us turn to St. Joseph in prayer.
O glorious St. Joseph, a descendant of the kings of Judah, Inheritor of the virtues of all the patriarchs. (I, We) beseech You to intercede before The Sacred Heart of Jesus and implore Him to allow You to become a father to (me, us) and to obtain for me, us the filial respect, confidence, and love of a child towards You.
Present (me, us) O great Saint Joseph to the Blessed Trinity, with Whom You have a glorious and intimate bond, and ask the Blessed Trinity to grant me, us Divine Light. [ I began praying to St. Joseph as a young child and the Divine Light has been with me during many years of journeying back to the Eternal Kingdom of God. I hope I have many more years so I can continue to preach the Word of God. I hope to have some spiritual gifts that God will allow me to share with you before 2031 or 2032.
Obtain for us a lively devotion to Our Heavenly Mother, and protect us in both life and death, that We may have the happiness of dying as you did, in the friendship of Our Creator, and under the immediate protection of the Mother of God. Amen.
Mention your intentions.
Universal Family Prayer To St. Joseph
St. Joseph, Guardian, and Protector of the Holy Family, Patron of the Universal Church, on behalf of Our Family, the Universal Family of the Children of God, intercede before the Eternal Loving Father through your beloved Son, Jesus. May we be transformed in the Light of the Most Blessed Trinity, as Children of the Living God, who live, celebrate, and reflect the Word of God within our hearts, thoughts, and actions. Amen. You will find this prayer in the One Decade Fatima Chaplet.