Mass For A Special Intention
A Mass that is offered at the request of an individual or a group for a special purpose. It may be celebrated as a Low, High, or Solemn Mass. The Four Common Type of Votive Masses is a Mass of Supplication when a petition, earnest request, or urgent solicitation is made to God through Christ in the context of the Holy Mass. A common Mass of this type is the Mass for Health when prayers are offered for the healing of individuals. A Mass of Grace may be offered to ask God to provide a specific kind of help to individuals, in accordance with His will, and to His greater glory.
A Mass of Thanksgiving is when gratitude is expressed to God or divine goodness and is publicly acknowledged or celebrated through Christ in the context of the Holy Mass. Common Masses of this type are offered on: wedding anniversaries, church anniversaries, anniversaries of ordination, and civic or national holidays.
A Mass For The Deceased, to be remembered with prayers that are offered in the hope that their souls will pass from this life to eternal life in God’s heavenly kingdom through Christ in the context of the Holy Mass. A requiem Mass may also be offered for a departed loved one, one that is offered on the anniversary of a death, at the time when a family or an organization memorializes deceased members, or on All Souls Day.
A Nuptial Mass or Wedding Mass — when a man and a woman are united in the Sacrament of Matrimony in the context of Holy Mass. The last three types of Masses that will be explained are the Vigil Mass, Pontifical Mass, and concelebrated Mass. The first one is designated by the time of day that it is celebrated, the latter two by who offers or celebrates the Mass.
Types Of Mass Intentions
Individual Mass Intention for the Living or Deceased
Family Mass Intention for the Living or Deceased
Triduum Of 3 Consecutive Masses
Novena Of 9 Consecutive Masses
Gregorian Mass (30 Consecutive Masses) for the Deceased
May the Blessing of Our Lord Jesus Christ precede you, be with you now, and follow you in all you do on behalf of Our Father’s Kingdom. May Our Lord Sign and Seal you and all those you intercede for with the Mark of His Most Sacred and Precious Cross.*
*Jolene and I adapted and created this prayer from the writings of Blessed Luisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 “Servant of God”