The Divine Mercy Perpetual Prayer 9-4-21 Is A Supplement To The Regular 9 Day Novena. It Is Not An Alternative. It Is For Private Devotion Only.
Jesus, I will draw all the Indulgences from the Treasury of Your Church and offer them on behalf of the Souls in Purgatory as well as those Souls within my family tree back to the time of Adam and Eve and offer on behalf of All Souls in Purgatory the Alms of the Spirit to pay off their debt to Your Justice.
Eternal Father, I beg You by the Sorrowful Passion of Jesus your Son and by all the bitterness with which His Most Sacred Soul was flooded to manifest Your Mercy to the Souls who are under Your Just Scrutiny. Look upon them through the wounds of Your Son who has enfolded them in His Most Compassionate Heart.
On the Eighth Day of The Novena To The Divine Mercy p.46 … … “Oh, if you only knew the torments they suffer, you would continually offer for them the alms of the spirit and pay off their debt to My Justice.” So the above Divine Mercy Perpetual Prayer is an innovative approach to fulfilling Our Lord’s suggestion for praying continually. Why not try using your own words that come from deep within your heart, mind, and soul.
Guide For The Divine Mercy Perpetual Prayer
What Is An Indulgence?
An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfaction of Christ and the saints.
An indulgence is partial or plenary according as it removes either part or all of the temporal punishment due to sin. The faithful can gain indulgences for themselves or apply them to the dead.
What Is The Treasury Of The Church?
Admonish the sinner
Instruct the ignorant
Counsel the doubtful
Comfort the sorrowful
Forgive all injuries
Bear wrongs patiently
Pray for the living and the dead
Care of Creation (Declared By Pope Francis 9-1-2016)
Words And Phrases Of Interest
Passion Of Jesus
Your Justice
His Most Sacred Soul Was Flooded With Bitterness
Manifest Your Mercy
Your Just Scrutiny
Most Compassionate Heart