Welcome to the Fatima Chaplet website Ministry which is part of BlessedBeGodMinistries.com. We are the only Website Ministry in the World that does NOT accept or solicit any type(s) of financial donations, sell any types of goods, or merchandise, nor seek Non-Profit Tax Status. Hold on to your wallets, pocketbooks, and pursues. They are of no use on any of our websites. May you use your surplus Financial Wealth in seeking the Word of God, so you may enter into the Light of God, and then use your Spiritual and Financial Wealth, in the House Of God.
We respect all Spiritual Beliefs that help lead you, your loves, and those you hold within your SPIRITUAL HEART and upon your lips before the Creator who goes by many Names. All our Ministries Preach the HIS WORD. May we suggest that your only CONVERSION be rejecting Diablo, Lucifer, Satan, and all the Demons who seek to trick you into FALSE POWER, such as POLITICAL FAME, FINANCIAL WEALTH, and DIABOLICAL SEXUALITY. All of these are transitory. God offers you everlasting Joy, Peace, and Happiness for all Eternity. Trust in the Path God has placed you on and do the best you can. All who visit any of our many website ministries become part of our Spiritual Family and you will always remain in the Prayers of this Ministry, which continues every day and night of the year. You do not need to register at any of our sites for God knows that You are a Seeker of His Word. May the Light of the Creator be upon you now and forever. Brother Robert-Laity Preacher
May the Blessing of God the Father Precede You, be with You Now, and Follow You in all You do on Behalf of His Eternal Kingdom. May Almighty God Sign and Seal You and all those You Intercede for with His Sacred Mark, that is Found Within His Everlasting Word. Amen.